Online Advertising Agency Inbouncd Marketing Richmond
purchasing and creating advertising in any media is a time-intensive process reflecting hours of transactions between buyers, seller & creative agents. For example, discusses contract options with a radio account executive, he targets a few radio stations with desired listener demographics, negotiates a price, creates ad copy, approves the final ad, bids on an ad schedule, if a buyer wants to advertise in the radio media and pays for the service. For a skilled buyer, this entire transaction can take up to 3 weeks to complete. For a local deli or sporting goods shop with little or no demographic information, this transaction process can take more than 3 weeks and cost the small business more money per ad than large ad agencies, small purchasing power and less familiarity with radio advertising. For the seller, in this case the radio stations, the transactions’ costs of dealing with such small customers can prove to be cost ineffective. We are an Internet advertising inter...